Hays Featured Employers

Şişecam 09 Aug 2024


A Şişecamot 1935-ben alapították a törökországi üvegipar megteremtésére. Azóta ők az egyetlen globális vállalat, amely az üveggyártás minden alapvető területén - beleértve a síküveget, az üvegárut, az üvegcsomagolást és az üvegszálat - tevékenykednek.

A Şişecam a világ 2 legnagyobb üvegárugyártója, valamint az 5 legnagyobb üvegcsomagolás- és síküveggyártó között van. A Şişecam a világ 3 legnagyobb szódabikarbóna-gyártójának egyike és a krómkémiai termékek vezető gyártója. A Şişecam vezető szerepet játszik a síküveg, az üvegáruk, az üvegcsomagolás, a vegyi anyagok, az autóipar, az üvegszálak, a bányászat, az energia és az újrahasznosítás üzletágakban.

A 88 éves tapasztalattal és több mint 24 000 alkalmazottal rendelkező Şişecam 4 kontinens 14 országában folytat termelési tevékenységet, és világszerte több mint 150 országban működtet értékesítési hálózatot. 

Intuitive.Cloud 09 May 2024


Intuitive.Cloud is an innovation-led engineering company delivering measurable value and key business outcomes, and one of the fastest growing companies in the industry overseas. Founded 12 years ago, Intuitive.Cloud has largely operated in the Americas and India, and is now starting its European expansion in Hungary and Romania. We are talking about a major player, with 128 Fortune 1000 companies among its customers, including those in the financial/banking, healthcare, energy and telecom sectors.

Intuitive.Cloud is primarily a provider of cloud services and also has outstanding service expertise in the areas of migration & modernization, cyber security, data protection and artificial intelligence. Its strategic service partners include companies such as AWS, Google and Microsoft Azure. Their mission is to serve and enable customers, while transforming their use of technology solutions and services, to solve business problems and deliver successful outcomes.

Siemens Energy 09 May 2024

Siemens Energy

At Siemens Energy, our mission is to empower our customers to meet the growing global demand for energy while transitioning to a more sustainable world. How? Our innovative technologies, extensive energy experience and an ambitious strategy to decarbonize global energy systems are all central to our efforts to be the partner and driver of the energy transition. And our top focus areas in ESG, innovation and transformation share how we're making the future of tomorrow different today, for both our partners - and our people.

Siemens Energy is a global team of more than 94,000 dedicated employees. Together, we're responsible for meeting the growing energy demand while ensuring our climate is protected. We keep the best of our 150-year legacy and push the boundaries of what is possible. We strive for sustainability in our decarbonization journey, innovation centered on future technologies, and transformation among future focused offerings, portfolio, and mindset. Together as one team across 90 countries, we are committed to making sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy possible. This is how we shape the energy of tomorrow.

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